50+ strong mom QUOTES – because moms ARE BADASSES!

April 25, 2022 0 Comments

There are probably a million different quotes you can think of when describing moms, but my favorites are the strong mom quotes. As moms, nearly everything we do requires us to be strong. Whether it’s carrying around our toddler who just wants to be held all day or putting a smile on our face when all we really want to do is curl up and cry, every step of motherhood tests and pushes us.

If today is a day when you could just use a laugh or a reminder that you’re a badass, these 50 strong mom quotes are sure to put a smile on your face!

Strong mom Quotes That will Make You Laugh

Strong moms learn to laugh at the chaos and smile at the mess. They know that even though things aren’t always perfect, they are doing their best and the kids will be alright. These strong mom quotes showcase that and will inspire you to keep doing it like you’re doing it! 

“Ain’t no hood like motherhood.”
“I don’t want to sleep like a baby. I want to sleep like my husband.”


“Spit up is my new favorite accessory. No outfit is complete without it.”
“Everybody wants to save the Earth; nobody wants to help mom do the dishes.” P.J. O’Rourke
“É oficial. I’m in love… with my Roomba.”
“Don’t yell at your kids, lean in and whisper, it’s much scarier.”
Hello, role reversal…


“Showering as a mom is like an Olympic sport. fans are calling your name and you’re pressured to finish in record time.”
“Don’t be so hard on yourself. The mom in E.T. had an alien living in her house for days and didn’t notice”
Living that sticker life!


“My kids throw a lot of shade for tiny people completely dependent on me for survival.”
Momster: What happens to mom after she counts to 3

“Silence isn’t golden, it’s suspicious.”
“Mother: that one word that cannot be defined in a single phrase; that one word that embodies all the love a human being could possibly offer.”
“If evolution really works, how come mothers only have two hands?” Milton Berle
Why does it feel literally impossible to relax as a mama?


What I say to my son “Get Dressed”, what he hears, “Stand around naked watching television with one sock on.”

Things even strong moms need to hear to get through the Day

Sometimes we need to hear some strong mom quotes because, well, mom”ing” can kick your butt sometimes. Somedays you probably wake up feeling like you’ve got it all under control, but other days require that extra reminder that you are doing great.

These quotes are the perfect way to give yourself that little reminder. You are not alone, you’ve got this. and if you repeat these things enough to yourself, you might just believe it! 

“Motherhood is a choice you make every day, to put someone else’s happiness and well-being ahead of your own. To teach the hard lessons, to do the right thing, even when you’re not sure what the right thing is. and to forgive yourself over and over again for doing everything wrong.” 

“Your influence as a mother is powerful. Don’t waste it! little eyes are watching you.”
“There is no way to be the perfect mother.. but a million ways to be a good one” Jill Churchill
“May your coffee be stronger than your toddler.”


“Love as powerful as your mother’s leaves its own mark. To have been loved so deeply will give us some protection forever.” J.K. Rowling
“We either make ourselves miserable or we make ourselves strong. The amount of work is the same”
“We have a secret in our culture, and it’s not that birth is painful. It’s that women are strong.” Laura Stavoe
You were meant for this.


“A mom is the glue that holds everything together, even when she feels she may fall apart.”
“Speak to your children as if they are the wisest, kindest, most beautiful and magical humans on earth, for what they believe is what they will become.”


It is hard & you aren’t the only one who thinks so. 


Little, but not so easy, reminders. 


“You are going to miss this someday… I tell myself as I step on Legos all the way to the bathroom.”
For the tired mamas…


Strong #MomLife Quotes That tell it like it is

In between the balance of laughing it off and feeling inspired, here is some real-life for ya. I am pretty sure just about every mom reading this is going to relate to the next 15 quotes! This is what being a strong mom really feels like!

“Started making myself breakfast, ended up making breakfast for everybody but me.”
“I hate when I’m waiting for my mom to cook dinner and then I remember that I am the mom and I have to cook dinner.”
“So it turns out, being an adult is mostly just googling how to do stuff.”
“Parenting is hard, especially trying to be patient with little versions of impatient you.”

“Raising my kids is my choice. sometimes I give up things or go without for them. I don’t regret it. My life is and always will be for my children no matter how big they get. They haven’t ruined my life; Eles tême me deu uma nova visão sobre o significado da vida. Eu não poderia amá-los mais do que eu já faço.
“Como uma mamãe, você pode me ver lutando, mas você nunca vai me ver desistir.”
Obrigado Gosh por mães!

“Tornar-se uma mãe para mim significa que você aceitou isso pelos próximos 16 anos de sua vida, você terá uma bolsa pegajosa”. Nia vardalos.
“É preciso alguém realmente corajoso para ser uma mamãe, alguém forte para criar uma criança, e alguém especial para amar alguém mais do que ela.”
Quando você vai de um garoto para dois!


“Eu tinha muitas coisas para fazer hoje … agora eu tenho muitas coisas para fazer amanhã.”
Pinterest vs Amazon.


“Quem escreveu a música” Eu sou fácil como domingo de manhã “não tinha filhos.”
“90% da pais está pensando em quando você pode se deitar novamente.”
“Uma criança pode fazer mais em 1 minuto não supervisionado do que a maioria das pessoas pode fazer o dia todo.”
Ficando real, mesmo desde o começo.

Mamãe forte citações sobre a amamentação

Temos um artigo de citação inteira sobre a amamentação, porque bem, pode ser uma grande parte de ser uma mãe naquele primeiro ano. Aqui estão alguns dos nossos favoritos –

“As crianças não apenas recebem leite amamentando, eles também recebem nossa energia.” Stephen Gaskin.
“Não chore pelo leite derramado. A menos que seja leite materno, nesse caso, chore muito.
“Existem três razões para a amamentação: o leite está sempre à temperatura certa; Ele vem em recipientes atraentes, e o gato não consegue. ” Irena Chalmers.

“A enfermagem lhe dá poderes sobre-humanos. De que outra forma eu poderia estar fazendo tudo isso quando eu geralmente sou um sleepaholic? Gwen Stefani
“A amamentação é um ato instintivo e natural, mas também é uma arte que é aprendida dia a dia. A realidade é que quase todas as mulheres podem amamentar, têm leite suficiente para seus bebês e aprender a superar os problemas grandes e pequenos. É quase sempre simplesmente uma questão de conhecimento prático e não uma questão de boa sorte. ” La Leche League

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PIN para mais tarde 50 citações de mãe fortes!

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